DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2019.26.82.011


Tsitskarava A.Z., Hubulava G.G., Korolkov A.Yu., Demin A.N., Lazarev S.M.

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Saint Petersburg


Quantity of patients , who have antiplatelet or antithrombotic therapy, increases due to cardiovascular diseases rise up too. Question about complications such as rectal bleeding caused by medicamental hypocoagulation are debatable. In the research effect by antithrombotic therapy was estimated in recurrent hemorrhoidal bleeding. Basic and control groups compared and it was established relationship between antithrombotic medicines and volume of hemorrhoidal bleeding. Later study this questions need to create the algorithm for management patients with cardiovascular diseases and chronic combined hemmorhoids.

Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular pathology, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal bleeding, antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulant therapy, medicamental hypocoagulation.


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For citation

Tsitskarava A.Z., Hubulava G.G., Korolkov A.Yu., Demin A.N., Lazarev S.M. Risk of hemorrhoidal bleeding in patients with cardiovascular disease. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2019;14(3):56-59. (In Russ.)