Maytesyan D.A.1, 2, Mzokov H.T.1, Papoyan S.A.2, 3, 4, Khazamov Sh.A.1, Takhtarova M.R.2
1 Municipal Сlinical Hospital № 15 named O.M. Filatov, Moscow
2 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow
3 Municipal Сlinical Hospital named F.I. Inozemtsev, Moscow
4 Research Institute of Health Care Organization and Medical Management, Moscow
In recent decades, endovascular surgery has been developing by leaps and bounds, this technique performs operations on almost all vascular basins of the body. However, despite all the advantages and effectiveness of endovascular procedures, these interventions are not without complications. One of the most common complications is distal embolism, which is a well-known, but little-studied complication. It is a significant problem that worsens the outcome of the intervention and increases the risk of serious complications, including acute arterial thrombosis and limb ischemia. Timely recognition and effective treatment of this complication is of great importance for preventing the development of ischemia and preserving the patient’s limb. However, there is currently no consensus on the best treatment for acute complications of distal embolism during endovascular interventions for peripheral artery diseases. In this article, we analyze our clinical experience in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of distal embolism. The assessment of risk factors, methods of prevention and tactics of treatment of these complications was carried out. The observations and data obtained emphasize the importance of early diagnosis of distal embolisms and allow us to develop recommendations for improving clinical practice. The article will be useful for both specialists in the field of angiosurgery and doctors of other specialties involved in the treatment of vascular diseases of the lower extremities.
Keywords: endovascular interventions on the arteries of the lower extremities, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities, complications of endovascular surgery, distal embolization, stenting of the arteries of the extremities, angioplasty of the arteries of the extremities.
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