Kraynyukov P.E.1, 3, Kokorin V.V.1, 2, Glotko V.L.4, Gridnev E.S.1, Krainyukov I.P.1, Suvorov A.V.1
1 P.V. Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital, Moscow
2 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
3 RUDN University, Moscow
4 Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, branch, Moscow
Peripheral nerve injuries are a common complication of bullet, high-explosive and mine blast wounds of the upper and lower extremities. Understanding the multifactorial spectrum of pathogenetic mechanisms of nerve fiber damage and choosing the appropriate time parameters for providing the necessary surgical care are necessary for specialized treatment of this complex traumatic process. The article discusses the pathophysiological factors of traumatic damage to peripheral nerves, presents the most appropriate classification of injuries and wounds of the peripheral nervous system, the preferred timing of surgical intervention. Considering that severe trauma of peripheral nerves leads to loss of ability to work and frequent disability of military personnel, it is necessary to know the pathophysiological factors that influence the choice of timely and adequate surgical care for a fast recovery and to prevent the complications.
Keywords: peripheral nerve; peripheral nerve surgery; peripheral nerve damage; peripheral nerve injury; nervous stimulation; nerve restoration.
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