Chuprina A.P.1, Kazakov A.D.2, Kuznetsov I.M.1, Kucherenko A.D.1
1 Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg
2 1602 Military Clinical Hospital, Rostov-on-Don
Treatment of thoracoabdominal wounds is an urgent task of injury surgery in peacetime and wartime. Accounting for at least a third of all chest and abdominal wounds, this pathology is accompanied by high mortality, as well as significant risks of postoperative complications. Approaches to the treatment of such patients have undergone changes from a period of absolutely conservative management to damage control tactics and multi-stage surgical treatment. The experience of providing assistance to the wounded in the second half of the 20th century made it possible to improve anesthesiological care, provide a deep understanding of the course of traumatic illness and the role of anti-shock therapy and, ultimately, the formation of an integrated therapeutic approach with a differentiated choice of surgical tactics. The article summarizes the data on modern methods of diagnosis of thoracoabdominal wounds, including at the stages of medical evacuation. The frequency of organ damage in related areas is given and the opinions of researchers are relative.
Keywords: thoracoabdominal wound, penetrating gunshot wound, gunshot wound of the chest, gunshot wound of the abdomen.
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