DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2025_20_1_103


Demyanenko N.Yu.1, Bogdanov A.N.1, Kachnov V.A.1, Maxim O.V.1, Koroleva M.I.2, Shapovalov D.S.1, Ignatenko N.M.1

1 S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg

2 Consultation-diagnosctical center №1, St. Petersburg


Ferrum deficiency is one of the most common causes of anemia syndrome, it is a common comorbid age–associated pathology in clinical practice. Clinical manifestations of anemia are known, but latent ferrum deficiency can also negatively affect the clinical picture, aggravating the manifestations of the main pathological process. The negative role of tissue ferrum deficiency on cardiomyocyte metabolism is undeniable. Depending on the mechanism of pathological changes at the tissue and cellular level, there are three different variants of iron deficiency heart failure. The need to correct ferrum deficiency has already been noted in clinical guidelines for the treatment of chronic heart failure, which indicates the clinical significance of this problem for cardiac patients. However, there are few research on the effects of ferrum deficiency on other cardiovascular diseases. The study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the linkage between ferrum deficiency conditions and such a common pathology as arrhythmias may contribute to changing the management tactics of cardiac patients in order to improve clinical outcomes.

Keywords: anemia syndrome, iron deficiency, arrhythmias, chronic heart failure.


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For citation

Demyanenko N.Yu., Bogdanov A.N., Kachnov V.A., Maxim O.V., Koroleva M.I., Shapovalov D.S., Ignatenko N.M. The linkage between latent ferrum deficiency and anemia syndrome in some cardiovascular diseases: a therapist’s view. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2025;20(1):103-108. (In Russ.)