Dovnar R.I.1, Fedzianin S.D.2, Okulich V.K.2, Konopelko E.A.3, Stavchikov E.L.2, 4
1 Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Belarus
2 Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, Vitebsk, Belarus
3 Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Vitebsk, Belarus
4 Mogilev Regional Clinical Hospital, Mogilev, Belarus
Aims: To compare the etiological structure of pathogens in patients with purulent wounds in hospitals in Grodno and Vitebsk.
Methods: The analysis of the results of microbiological studies in patients with purulent wounds who were treated at the Municipal Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medicine of Grodno and the Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital in 2016-2023 was performed. A complex of bacteriological studies has been carried out. The species was determined on the ATB Expression BioMerieux biochemical analyzer (France).
Results: The analysis of the seeded microflora in patients with purulent wounds in hospitals in Grodno and Vitebsk showed that the leading role as an etiological factor is occupied by representatives of the genus Staphylococcus, the family Enterobacteriaceae, P. aeruginosа and A. baumannii. K. pneumoniae is the leader among enterobacteria. Сoagulase-negative staphylococci and enterobacteria are more common in Grodno, and P. aeruginosа and A. baumannii are more common in Vitebsk. ESKAPE pathogens predominate in Vitebsk.
Conclusion: In different regions of the Republic of Belarus, there are individual differences in the species structure of pathogens of purulent processes of soft tissues, however, in general, there is a general tendency for the growth of the most dangerous pathogens of the “ESKAPE pathogen” group for patients. This indicates a gradual decrease in the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy, which dictates the need to search for new means of combating such microorganisms, one of the variants of which may be metal nanoparticles.
Keywords: microbial flora, purulent wounds, infection, resistance, antibiotics.
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