DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2025_20_1_80


Pokhabov D.S., Shestakov E.A., Pimanchev O.V., Ryapolov Yu.V., Zhiburt E.B.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


When analyzing 586 medical records of patients of the Pirogov Center who underwent hip arthroplasty in the first half of 2024, it was found that during treatment (the average hospitalization period in a surgical hospital is 7.0±0.1 days), the average hemoglobin concentration decreases to 108.0±1.5 g/l in women and 121.9±1.8 g/l in men. The need for blood transfusion developed in 2.2% of women and 0.4% of men, 1 patient underwent hardware reinfusion of autologous red blood cells. 6.7% of patients received tranexamic acid and 2.7% – iron preparations.

It is advisable to include the use of blood components, reinfusion and other patient blood management technologies in clinical guidelines and the standard of medical care for adults with coxarthrosis.

Keywords: coxarthrosis, hip replacement, blood transfusion, patient blood management, standard, evidence-based medicine.


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For citation

Pokhabov D.S., Shestakov E.A., Pimanchev O.V., Ryapolov Yu.V., Zhiburt E.B. Perioperative anemia and patient blood management in hip replacement. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2025;20(1):80-82. (In Russ.)