DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_3_166


Ruseva A.D.1, 2, Solovev I.A.1, 2, Khanevich M.D.1, 2, Zinoviev E.V.1, 2, Khairov А.M.1, 2, Tlekhugova М.M.1, Kayumova A.Sh.1

1 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg

2 Mariinsky Hospital, St. Petersburg


A clinical case of colorectal cancer complicated by acute intestinal obstruction, combined with acute violation of mesenteric circulation, is presented. The patient was admitted to a multidisciplinary hospital in St. Petersburg in extremely serious condition. The examination revealed widespread peritonitis complicated by abdominal sepsis and septic shock. After the patient was brought out of critical condition, an operation was performed. The operation revealed cancer of the hepatic bend of the colon, complicated by acute intestinal obstruction and acute violation of mesenteric circulation. An extended hemicolectomy with resection of 1.5 m necrotically altered ileum was performed. In the postoperative period, the patient underwent program rehabilitation of the abdominal cavity. However, it was not possible to achieve successful treatment. The cause of death was massive bilateral thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery and its branches.

Keywords: acute violation of mesenteric circulation, colorectal cancer, acute intestinal obstruction, a clinical case..


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For citation

Ruseva A.D., Solovev I.A., Khanevich M.D., Zinoviev E.V., Khairov А.M., Tlekhugova М.M., Kayumova A.Sh. Surgical treatment of a patient with acute mesenteric circulatory disorder and colon cancer complicated by acute intestinal obstruction. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(3):166-168. (In Russ.)