DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_3_156


Kaminskij Yu.D.1, 2, Kulikov E.P.1, Botov A.V.2, Miheev A.V.1, 2, Plotnikova O.A.1, Sharapov D.A.2, Shustov A.E.2

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ryazan

2 State-Funded Institution Ryazan Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Ryazan


In this article a clinical case of a patient with locally advanced colon cancer is presented. The necessity and expediency of performing multivisceral colon resection are discussed. In colon cancer involving neighboring organs and soft tissues, secondary lesions are limited in nature, which makes it possible to consider the possibility of performing organ-preserving surgical interventions. A patient with a tumor of the splenic bend of the colon with signs of extraorgan spread underwent a combined left-sided hemicolectomy with longitudinal resection of the stomach, resection of the left dome of the diaphragm with an atypical resection S4. 5 of the left lung, splenectomy. The postoperative period was uneventful. He satisfactorily underwent 4 courses of adjuvant chemotherapy according to the XELOX regimen. With dynamic observation, no data for recurrence was obtained, and stabilization of the process was achieved. The patient currently feels satisfactory and leads an active lifestyle.

Keywords: а clinical case of a locally advanced colon cancer, multivisceral colon resections, multi-organ resection of the colon.


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For citation

Kaminskij Yu.D., Kulikov E.P., Botov A.V., Miheev A.V., Plotnikova O.A., Sharapov D.A., Shustov A.E. Possibilities of surgical treatment of locally advanced colon cancer. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(3):156-158. (In Russ.)