DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_3_105


Schevchenko Yu.L., Gudymovich V.G., Trombachev A.E.

St. George thoracic and cardiovascular surgery clinic Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


The modern scientific literature overwhelmingly pays attention to the arterial and, to a lesser extent, the venous link of the myocardial blood supply. However, the lymphatic drainage system from the structures of the heart remains practically unlit. This literature review is devoted to the lymphatic bed of the heart. The historical aspects of his discovery are shown, modern data concerning embryonic development, anatomical structure and function of the lymphatic structures of the heart, and features of lymph outflow from the myocardium are presented. Modern methods of assessing the development, structure and function of the lymphatic structures of the heart based on the use of specific markers of lymphoid structures are demonstrated. Special attention is paid to the possibilities of stimulating the lymphatic system of the heart in order to prevent the development of interstitial fibrosis, as well as heart failure in acute circulatory disorders and inflammatory changes of the myocardium.

Keywords: heart failure, myocardial lymphatic network, interstitial cardiac fibrosis.


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For citation

Schevchenko Yu.L., Gudymovich V.G., Trombachev A.E. Modern view of the lymphatic system of the heart and the effect of its pathology on myocardial function. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(3):105-111. (In Russ.)