DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_3_44


Sukovatikh B.S.1, Sidorov D.V.2, 3, 4, Bolomatov N.V.2, 5, Sereditsky A.V.3, 4, Vishnevsky V.I.4, Alyanov A.L.3, 4, Karasev A.Yu.3, 4, Shvets D.A.3, Sletova A.M.2, Gavrilina A.V.2, Orlova A.Yu.1, 2

1 Kursk State Medical University, Kursk

2 Kursk City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care, Kursk

3 Oryol regional clinical hospital, Orel

4 OGU named after. I.S. Turgenev, medical institute, Orel

5 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


Purpose of the study. Comparison of the results of coronary stenting and coronary bypass surgery in patients with hereditary hypercholesterolemia and angina pectoris.

Materials and methods. An analysis of the results of treatment of 100 patients with hereditary hypercholesterolemia and exertional angina was carried out. As part of the preoperative preparation, all patients were classified according to the SYNTAX Score – in all cases, moderate severity of the lesion was revealed. Based on this, before the 2nd stage of surgical treatment, all patients were randomly divided into 2 equal groups: Group 1 included patients who underwent endovascular revascularization of the affected coronary artery as the 2nd stage of surgery treatment; Group 2 included patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) as the 2nd stage of revascularization.

Results. The results of endovascular stenting and cardiac bypass surgery demonstrate almost identical results 12 months after surgical treatment and in patients with moderate severity of lesions according to the SYNTAX Score. The quality of life of patients who have undergone coronary artery stenting is much higher than that of patients who have undergone open cardiac surgery.

Keywords: coronary artery bypass grafting, hereditary hypercholesterolemia, stent, coronary stenting, exertional angina.


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For citation

Sukovatikh B.S., Sidorov D.V., Bolomatov N.V., Sereditsky A.V., Vishnevsky V.I., Alyanov A.L., Karasev A.Yu., Shvets D.A., Sletova A.M., Gavrilina A.V., Orlova A.Yu. Long-term results of hybrid cardiac bypass and endovascular stenting in patients with hereditary hypercholesterinemia and angina. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(3):44-50. (In Russ.)