DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_19_1_78


Zinovieva A.V.1, Rokina O.A.1, Sukhareva A.S.1, Kutefa E.I.1, Zhiburt E.B. 2

1 Okrug Clinical Hospital, Khanty-Mansiysk

2 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


Rationale: Antigens of the blood group systems MNSs, Duffy, Kidd, Lutheran, Lewis, Kell (Kpa, Kpb) and P1PK are immunogenic, cause the production of irregular antibodies and corresponding difficulties in the selection of donor red blood cells.

Objective: to create a cohort of regular donors, phenotyped according to the antigens of the above blood group systems.

Methods: From 2014 to 2023 in the blood transfusion department of the Okrug Clinical Hospital (Khanty-Mansiysk). We examined 830 regular donors with a donation frequency of more than 3 times a year. Along with the ABO and Rh phenotypes, antigens of the MNSs, Duffy, Kidd, Lutheran, Lewis, Kell (Kpa, Kpb) and P1PK blood group systems were determined. Red blood cells were phenotyped in gel cards using an IH-100 analyzer (Biorad, Switzerland). The prevalence of phenotypes was compared with literature data on the prevalence of similar phenotypes in Caucasians using the chi-square method at a significance level of 0.05.

Results: In Khanty-Mansiysk, the M+N-S-s+ phenotype is 9.2% more common (p<0.01) and the M+N+S+s+ phenotype is 11.1% less common (p<0.01). The Le (a-b-) phenotype among donors is 9.1% more common than in the comparison group (p<0.001). These donors should be aware of the increased risk of coronary artery disease in individuals with the Lewis null phenotype. Fya and Fyb antigens were detected in 71% and 76% of cases, respectively. The Duffy null phenotype, Fy(a-b-), was found in 4 donors. The frequency of occurrence of Jka and Jkb antigens was 82.4% and 64.3%, respectively. 41 donors with the rare Kidd null phenotype were identified. For the Lutheran blood group system, the frequencies of Lua and Lub antigens were 2.0% and 98%, respectively. Phenotype P1 among donors is 16% less common than in the comparison group (p<0.001).

Conclusion: For the first time, the frequency of phenotypes of six additional blood group systems in donors from Khanty-Mansiysk was studied. Compared to literature data, the following phenotypes are more common in Khanty-Mansiysk: M+N-S-s+, Le(a-b-), Fy(a-b-), Jk(a-b-) and less commonly – phenotypes M+N+S+s+ and P1. The effectiveness of selecting blood from donors with a known extended erythrocyte phenotype for the prevention of transfusion reactions caused by irregular antibodies remains to be assessed.

Keywords: blood transfusion, donor, red blood cells, blood group system, phenotype.


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For citation

Zinovieva A.V., Rokina O.A., Sukhareva A.S., Kutefa E.I., Zhiburt E.B. Phenotype of blood group systems MNS, Duffy, Kidd, Lutheran, Lewis, Kell and P1PK in donors from Khanty-Mansiysk. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(1):78-80. (In Russ.)