DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2022_17_2_119


Zagorodny N.V.2, Solod E.I.1, 2, Kuksa D.N.1, Abdulhabirov M.A.1, Petrovsky R.A.3, Aganesov N.A.2, Ananyin D.A.1, Jojua A.V.5, Karpovich N.I.4

1 State Budgetary Health Care Institution City Clinical Hospital named after A.K. Eramishantsev

2 Federal Budgetary State Institution Research Medical Center Of Traumatology And Orthopedics named after N.N.Priorov

3 State Budgetary Health Care Institution City Clinical Hospital №17

4 State Budgetary Health Care Institution City Clinical Hospital №31

5 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


A clinical case of treatment of a victim after a catatrauma at the A.K. Eramishantseva, upon falling from a height of the 2nd floor, was delivered by an ambulance team 2 hours after the injury with suspicion of polyfocal damage to the pelvic ring. We examined according to the nosocomial polytrauma protocol, examined by related specialists and made a diagnosis: Closed comminuted fracture of the pubic and ischial bones, fracture of the lateral masses of the sacrum and acetabulum on the left with displacement of fragments, according to the classification of M.E. Muller-AO / ASIF type C2. On an emergency basis, we stabilized the pelvic ring with an external fixation apparatus (ANF). Subsequently, the patient was diagnosed with a new coronavirus infection (COVID 19), for the treatment of which he was transferred to City Clinical Hospital No. 40, at the end of treatment for COVID 19 with negative smears, the patient was transferred to follow-up treatment at the A.K. Eramishantseva. Where we performed, after preliminary preoperative preparation, a combined one-stage osteosynthesis of the pelvic ring using a transpedicular fixation system. Discharged on the 10th day from the moment of surgical treatment for dynamic outpatient observation.

Keywords: polyfocal injury to the pelvic ring, fractures of the pelvis, minimally invasive osteosynthesis, combined osteosynthesis, transpedicular fixation system, fixation of the pubic articulation, polytrauma, catatrauma, unstable injuries of the pelvic ring, clinical case.


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For citation

Zagorodny N.V., Solod E.I., Kuksa D.N., Abdulhabirov M.A., Petrovsky R.A., Aganesov N.A., Ananyin D.A., Jojua A.V., Karpovich N.I. Minimally invasive fixation of the pubic symphysis using a transpedicular system in case of polyfocal pelvic injury. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2022;17(2):119-124. (In Russ.)