Semionkin E.I.1, Lukanin R.V.2, Ogoreltsev A.Y.1, 2, Spirkov A.N.2, Bragina I.Yu.2, Gordeeva A.S.1, Romanov A.N.1, Korobkov E.E.1
1 Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan
2 Ryazan State Clinical Hospital, Ryazan
Aim. Study the efficiency of diagnostics colon cancer of the second-fourth stages of the disease and metastases of colon and rectal cancer in the liver using transabdominal ultrasound of the abdominal organs. To determine the dependence of the effectiveness of ultrasound diagnostics of colon tumors on the level of the class of equipment used.
Patients and methods. A retrospective study of 323 patients with stage 2–4 colon cancer and stage 4 rectal cancer was performed. Transabdominal abdominal ultrasound was performed not only with an examination of parenchymal organs, but also with a mandatory examination of the intestine. A comparative analysis of the efficiency of diagnostics colon cancer with the ALOKA SS D-630 echo chamber (the first group of patients with the third, fourth stage — 189 patients) and the more modern LOGIQ-S7 echo chamber (the second group — 56 patients with the second-fourth stage of the disease) was carried out. The efficiency of ultrasonic diagnostics of colorectal cancer metastases in the liver with the ALOKA SS D-630 echo chamber was determined in 146 patients (78 patients with rectal cancer and 68 patients with colon cancer) of the fourth stage.
Results. In patients with colon cancer using the ALOKA SS D-630 echo chamber, the study was informative in 74.1% of patients, in patients using the LOGIQ-S7 echo chamber in 87,5 % (p<0.05).
Changes in the intestinal wall characteristic of a malignant lesion were revealed: a decrease in echogenicity, edema, thickening, deformation of the intestine, an increase in lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity along the periphery.
Ultrasound diagnosis of metastases of colorectal cancer in the liver with the ALOKA SS D-630 echo chamber in 147 patients with rectal and colon cancer of the fourth stage was 67%.
Conclusion. Transabdominal ultrasound of the abdominal organs is an informative, minimally invasive and affordable method for diagnostics colon cancer and metastases of rectal and colon cancer to the liver.
Keywords: colon cancer, rectal cancer, liver metastases, ultrasound diagnostics.
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