DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2022_17_2_11


SHevchenko YU.L., Stojko YU.M., Gudymovich V.G.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


The review article analyzes in detail the data obtained as a result of experimental and clinical studies on the interaction of various viruses with the endothelium and endocardium. The issues of the impact of a viral infection on endothelial cells, possible mechanisms of their damage, as well as the activation of pathological cascades of intravascular thrombosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and an uncontrolled generalized inflammatory process are considered. Taking into account the mechanisms for the implementation of these processes, ways to correct these disorders with the help of endothelial protectors, in particular, by prescribing the drug sulodexide, are given.

Keywords: viral infection, endothelium, endocardium, endothelial dysfunction, sulodexide.


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For citation

SHevchenko YU.L., Stojko YU.M., Gudymovich V.G. Endothelium as a target of pathological effects of viral infection. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2022;17(2):11-16. (In Russ.)