Mihin A.A.1, Churashov S.V.1, Kulikov A.N.1, Nikolaev S.N.2
1 S.M. Kirov Military medical academy, St. Petersburg
2 301 military clinical hospital, Khabarovsk
Aim. Analysis of the structure and features of modern combat eye injury, assessment of the outcomes of surgical treatment of modern open eye injury.
Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 810 medical records of wounded patients with organ damage in the period 2015–2020 was carried out.
Results. In the structure of combat eye injury, bullet wounds made up 0.7%, mine — explosive wounds-46.9%, shrapnel wounds — 52.4%. The explosive nature of combat eye injury determined a high frequency of visual improvements in the eyes and other areas of the body in 87.1% of cases. Open eye injury occurs in 82% of cases. At a high level, there is a high rate of injuries with the similarity of internal internal foreign bodies — 59.8 %. 43% of intraocular foreign body are magnetic. A large number of wounded with оpen eye injury mistletoe 4-5 degree of traction injury (75%) and required multi-stage surgical treatment. As a result of the treatment of modern facial open eye injury, visual acuity was achieved from 0.2 to 1.0 — 11.5% of cases, from 0.02 to 0.1 — 16% of early cases, as a result of the treatment of Open eye injury 4-5 degrees of traction, the increase in visual acuity was: from 0 (blindness) to pr. l.incertae — 19.5%, from pr. l.certae to 0.01–17.1%.
Conclusions: 1. In the vast majority of cases, combat eye injury has an explosive character (87.1%), which determines the high frequency of combined injuries to the eyes and other areas of the body. Dominated by 4 and 5 degrees of severity is 75%. 2. Modern combat eye injury requires multi-stage surgical treatment.
Keywords: open eye injury; intraocular foreign body, modern combat eye injury.
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