Skvorcov V.YU., Tulin D.V., Konstantinov A.S.
S.M. Kirov Military medical academy, St. Petersburg
Justification for the study. According to most authors, the incidence of postoperative iridocyclitis after standard cataract phacoemulsification (PHACO) and combined operation (PHACO + ELCD) practically does not differ.
Considering the fact that PHACO + ELCD is usually performed on the eyes with prospects of high visual functions, the study and objectification of the severity of postoperative inflammatory reaction is, in our opinion, great importance.
Objective. To develop the algorithm and conduct an objective analysis of the severity of postoperative inflammatory reaction in patients, who had undergone a combined operation (PHACO + ELCD) compared with standard PHACO.
Methods. The study included 30 patients (30 eyes), who were divided into two groups. The main group included 15 patients (15 eyes) with uncompensated open-angle glaucoma (OAG) of various stages and with initial complicated cataract. The comparison group included 15 patients (15 eyes) with initial age-related cataract.
The next morning after the operation the patients of both groups had OCT of anterior segment on the RTVue-100 device (Optovue, USA) using a CAM-module.
All studies were performed by the protocol CL-3D Cornea (4x4 mm) with the maximum capture of the area of the eye anterior chamber. 15 images were selected randomly for each eye, formed by the protocol and thus 450 frames were analyzed.
The obtained size-standardized frames were analyzed using image analisis and processing software ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, USA).
Results. During the analysis, 10.0±7.5 inclusions were identified in the main group, and 2.5±2.3 inclusions were identified in the control group, the difference was statistically authentically (p <0.001).
Conclusions. The obtained results once again confirm our idea that any cyclodestructive intervention induces an inflammatory reaction in a varying degree. The comparison with the control group excludes the influence of the PHACO itself on an inflammatory reaction in the anterior chamber.
Keywords: postoperative iridocyclitis; endoscopic laser cyclodestruction; optical coherence tomography.
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