Kalinin R.E., Suchkov I.A., Mzhavanadze N.D., Povarov V.O.
Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia
Aim: to study the quality of life in patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices and the possibility of using the Aquarel questionnaire for its evaluation.
Methods: the study included 100 patients, 55 men and 45 women aged from 40 to 84 years. All patients had indications for implantation of the pacemaker. The quality of life was evaluated before the intervention, 1, 6 and 12 months after it, using the “Quality of life and related events” questionnaire, Aquarel, specialized for patients with pacemakers.
Results: 58 double-chamber and 42 single-chamber pacemakers were successfully implanted in patients. The quality of life in the first month after the operation increased by an average of
Conclusions: Aquarel questionnaire can be used to assess the quality of life in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices. Implantation of the pacemaker positively affects the quality of life, especially in the early postoperative period, in the later follow-up period there was a gradual decline in indicators.
Keywords: cardiac implantable electronic devices, pacing, quality of life.
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