DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.72.59.011


Shahnazaryan N.G.1, Ajdemirov A.N.2, Kojchuev A.A.1, 2, Hripunova A.A.2, Shahnazaryan A.M.2

1 Stavropol regional clinical Oncology dispensary, Stavropol

2 Stavropol state medical University, Stavropol


Backgraund: At present, the problem of the quality of life for modern surgery in the pathology of the organs of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone complicated by obstructive jaundice is very urgent. The absence of a specific questionnaire for assessing the quality of life of patients with this pathology was the reason for the development of special questionnaires on the quality of life of patients with obstructive jaundice syndrome and conducting our own statistical research.

The aim of the study was a statistical analysis of the special GSRS questionnaire and the MJ-30 and MJ-35 questionnaires developed by us to assess the quality of life of patients with diseases of the organs of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone, complicated by obstructive jaundice, before and after surgery (certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2019662049, 2019).

Materials and methods: A prospective analysis of the clinical data of 107 patients with obstructive jaundice of both benign and neoplastic genesis was carried out.

Results: the analysis showed that the coefficients of suitability for the developed questionnaires MJ-30 and MJ-35 are high: α-Cronbach MJ-30 = 0.850; α-Cronbach MJ-35 = 0.891. The internal consistency of the questionnaires is confirmed by the results of the correlation analysis. Close connections of all scales showed a high level of system integration. Convergent validity was determined by comparing the scales of the MJ-30 and MJ-35 questionnaires with other methods (GSRS and KOLKHOS questionnaires). As a general trend, we can note the presence of statistically significant negative relationships between the scales of the general quality of life and the quality of life after biliary drainage of the MJ-30 and MJ-35 questionnaires with the scales Abdominal pain (AP), Reflux syndrome (RS) and Dyspeptic syndrome (IS) of the questionnaire. GSRS.

Conclusion: the statistical analysis of the MJ-30 and MJ-35 questionnaires for assessing the quality of life of patients with obstructive jaundice showed a meaningful and convergent validity of the proposed methods. These versions of the questionnaires can be used to study the quality of life of patients after biliary drainage.

Keywords: quality of life, obstructive jaundice, Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale, consistency of questionnaire scales, confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity.


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For citation

Shahnazaryan N.G., Ajdemirov A.N., Kojchuev A.A., Hripunova A.A., Shahnazaryan A.M. Statistical analysis of questionnaires on the quality of life of patients with obstructive jaundice. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(3-2):57-61. (In Russ.)