DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.93.73.034


Soloviev I.A., Utochkin A.P., Levshin K.A.

FGBVOU VO «Military Medical Academy S. M. Kirova» MO RF, Department of Naval Surgery, Saint-Petersburg


Any innovative ideas in surgery should be reasonably substantiated, deeply analyzed, with cautious conclusions, with such clinical thinking, which was shown by the best surgeons of their time, for example Hermon Taylor, whose recommendations for treating patients we use to date. They are especially relevant in ship conditions, when at any moment there may be an acute shortage of forces and means of medical service. The classic conservative method for treating perforated duodenal ulcer according to H. Taylor is not in the special position of the bed in which the patient is located (the head end of the bed is raised or lowered), but in the following sequence of therapeutic measures: after emptying the stomach with a large gastric tube, which then is removed, the patient passes through the nose a small stomach tube and is fixed. Then the stomach is aspirated with an interval of half an hour using a 20 cm syringe. We have slightly modified this method by adding a modern antiulcer treatment.

Keywords: peptic ulcer perforation, duodenal ulcer, conservative treatment.


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For citation

Soloviev I.A., Utochkin A.P., Levshin K.A. About a method of treating a perforative ulcer of a duodenum by Hermon Taylor. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(2):193-197. (In Russ.)