Nishanov M.F., Nishonov F.N., Bozorov N.E., Khozhimetov D.Sh.
Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Republic of Uzbekistan
The authors analyzed 327 patients who underwent various types of surgical interventions in the 3-surgical department with emergency medical care in the clinics of Andijan State Medical Institute.
The authors conclude that the study of the results of various surgical interventions for complicated gastric and duodenal ulcers is one of the leading factors in assessing a particular surgical treatment method, determining the possibility of widespread incision of ulcer excision with pyloroduodenal plastic, developing and implementing patient management algorithms during the preoperative period, which ultimately leads to a sharp decrease in mortality and the number of adverse complications.
Keywords: complications, gastric, resection, ulcer excision, plastic, pyloroduodenal zone.
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