DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.32.34.023


Aliev S.A., Aliev E.S., Hummatov A.F.

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan


In the review conducted a critical analysis of literature data devoted to modern views of generalized surgical infection. Chronologically outlined the evolutionary stages of formation of scientific concepts about the nature of sepsis, given the identification of most important questions, concerning the definition, unification of terminology and classification of sepsis since the resolution of the consensus conference ACCP/SCCM (1991). In this and subsequent conciliation conferences (2001; 2012; 2016) presents a unified criteria for definition and classification sepsis with taking in co account all modifications, providing concise definetions and availability of diagnostic criteria. In review were given key provisions of the recommendations of the “Sepsis-3”, according to which in contrast to previous recommendations and instead of the previously accepted categories of generalized surgical infection, it is proposed to use only two is a sepsis and septic shock. In accordance with the consensus “Sepsis-3” sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction due to dysrequlation of the response to infection, the key symptom of which is that the way in which the body damages its own organs and tissues.

Keywords: sepsis, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, severe sepsis, septic shock, organ dysfunction, definitions, consensus.


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For citation

Aliev S.A., Aliev E.S., Hummatov A.F. Sepsis: old dogmas and the evolution of conception. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(1):132-136. (In Russ.)