Shahnazaryan N.G.1, Ajdemirov A.N.2, 3, Hurcev K.V.1, Kojchuev A.A.1, 2, Shahnazaryan A.M.2, Gridasov I.M.1
1 Stavropol regional clinical Oncology center, Stavropol
2 Stavropol state medical University, Stavropol
3 Stavropol regional clinical hospital, Stavropol
Backgraund: the annual increase in the incidence of pancreatic cancer, disappointing results of treatment, a high percentage of complications and deaths prompted us to conduct our own analysis of morbidity and mortality from pancreatic malignancies in the Stavropol territory and the Russian Federation.
The aim of the study is to study the prevalence, morbidity and mortality of patients with malignant tumors of the pancreas in the Stavropol territory, a comparative analysis of the incidence and mortality from pancreatic cancer in the Stavropol territory and the Russian Federation.
Materials and methods: a review of the data of specialized literature on the problem of morbidity, mortality and results of treatment of pancreatic cancer in the Russian Federation and the Stavropol territory for the period from 2011 to 2018.
Results: over the
Conclusion: this study allows us to realistically assess the situation on the prevalence, morbidity and mortality of patients with BC in the Stavropol territory and the Russian Federation.
Keywords: epidemiology, pancreatic cancer, morbidity, mortality.
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