DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.19.52.014


Samojlov A.N., Fattahieva G.I.

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan

Republican Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital, Kazan


Objective: to study the effect of surgical treatment according to the original method proposed by us on the parameters of foveolar photosensitivity (FPS) of the eye.

Material and methods: 37 patients involved in research, with diagnosis: “Full macular hole”. Macular hole size by optical coherence tomography (OCT): at the middle layers retina 558.9± 128.2 microns, diameter of the basis 1189,6± 327,9 microns. To all patients carried a complete ophthalmologic research before and after surgical treatment. The investigation of FPS was carried on field analyzer Humphrey HFAII-750i. Before surgical treatment, the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0,23± 0,07. By the results of computer perimetry, the value of FPS was 30,1± 1,9dB. All patients underwent posterior vitrectomy with peeling of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) and closure of the macular hole according to the method proposed by us.

Results: To the dynamics of the FPS received: 26 people, achieved a functional effect, an increase in FPS on 3,9±2.01 dB (p≤ 0,05); and 11 people BCVA up, revealed FPS depression by 1,4±0,6 dB. According to OCT, there is a complete closure macular hole in 100% of cases, the increase in BCVA after surgical treatment to 0,6± 0,15 (p≤0,05).

Findings: Based on the data obtained, it can be argued that the original method of surgical treatment of large-diameter macular holes proposed by us does not adversely affect the FPS, but rather leads to an improvement in its performance. An increase in the FPS from 30,1±1,9 dB to 32,8±2,4 dB is shown, which correlates with 100% closure of the macular holes and an increase in the BCVA from 0,23±0,07 to 0,6±0,12 (p≤0,05).

Keywords: computer perimetry, foveolar photosensitivity (FPS), macular hole, optical coherence tomography (OCT).


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For citation

Samojlov A.N., Fattahieva G.I. The study of foveolar photosensitivity of a large diameter macular hole in the surgical treatment. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(1):74-77. (In Russ.)