DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2018.88.40.005


Dryazhenkov G.I., Dryazhenkov I.G.

Yaroslavl state medical University of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation


On the basis of computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography with the program of pancreatocholangiography in 6 operated patients with chronic pancreatitis, rarely encountered pseudocysts with prolapse through the esophageal (5) and aortic (1) diaphragm openings in the posterior mediastinum were revealed. The factors of pseudocysts formation in the posterior mediastinum were: hypertension syndrome in the main pancreatic duct and pseudocysts, anatomical and physiological characteristics of the natural orifices of the diaphragm, fixed fibrous scar tissue changes of the gland bag and sucking action of the diaphragm. Localization of destruction of the gland tissue and obturation of the main pancreatic duct was crucial in the choice of methods of surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis with pseudocysts of the posterior mediastinum (operation Frey or removal of an isolated functioning fragment of the pancreatic tail). Mediastinal cysts are drainage 5-7 days. When suppurated pseudocysts of mediastinum requires an individual approach to treatment.

Keywords: chronic pancreatitis, pseudocysts of the posterior mediastinum.


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For citation

Dryazhenkov G.I., Dryazhenkov I.G. Chronic pancreatitis with pseudocysts formation in the posterior mediastinum. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2018;13(3):25-28. (In Russ.)