Khanevich M.D.1, 2, Rukhlyada N.N.1
1 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg
2 Federal State Budgetary Institution «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology» FMBA, St. Petersburg
Until 1874, all attempts in Russia to perform transperitoneal removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) affected by myomatous nodes or a malignant tumor ended in death. The main cause of the adverse outcomes was bleeding from the surgery area and peritonitis. The first, successful hysterectomy in Russia, which ended with the recovery of the patient, was performed on 08/22/1874 by an employee of the Medical Surgical Academy, virtuoso surgeon Nikolai Vladimirovich Ekk. N.V.Ekk reported on the patient at a meeting of the Society of Russian Doctors in St. Petersburg on 05/02/1877 (Protocol No. 14).
Keywords: uterus, fibromyoma, transperitoneal removal, N.V. Ekk.
1. Rein GE. On the issue of removal of uterine fibromyoma by means of glandular section: Diss. for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. St. Petersburg. 1876. (In Russ.)
2. Minutes of meetings of the Society of Russian Doctors in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg; 1877. (In Russ.)
3. Kurygin AA, Semenov VV. Nikolay Vladimirovich Ekk (1849–1908). Vestnik of Surgery named after I.I. Grekov. 2016; 175(5): 10-12. (In Russ.)
4. Chistovich NA. Obituary. Russian doctor. 1908; 15. (In Russ.)