DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2025_20_1_164


SHevchenko Yu.L., Ablicov Yu.A., Vasilashko V.I., Ablicov A.Yu., Orlov S.S., Susov R.P.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


The article describes the main milestones of the life, professional and creative path of academician M.I. Perelman. His clinical, scientific and research activities, which cover a wide range of surgical problems, are presented. His significant contribution to the study of the problems of thoracic surgery and phthisiology is noted.

Keywords: Mikhail Izrailevich Perelman, surgeon, academician, thoracic surgery, phthisiology.


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For citation

SHevchenko Yu.L., Ablicov Yu.A., Vasilashko V.I., Ablicov A.Yu., Orlov S.S., Susov R.P. Mikhail Izrailevich Perelman is an outstanding Soviet and Russian surgeon, a prominent scientist and a talented teacher, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR — RAMS. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2025;20(1):164-165. (In Russ.)