Akhiev M.I.1, 2, Kitaev V.M.1
1 A.A. Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for High Medical Technologies – Central Military Clinical Hospital, Krasnogorsk
2 Branch of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, Moscow
The features of displaying an unchanged pericardium on CT scans performed in the standard examination mode for the thoracic cavity were studied. CT scan of signs of pericardial injury and features of their visualization were determined. It has been proven that CT of the chest cavity, performed in the standard scanning mode, allows diagnosing a bruised heart in case of gunshot wounds. The diagnostic effectiveness and prognostic value of the method are 87,5% and 53,2%, respectively.
Keywords: CT diagnosis of a gunshot injury of the heart, mine-explosive injury of the mediastinum, pericardium; visualization of the pericardium on CT.
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