Radzko I.A., Sidorenko O.E., Razhko Yu.I., Bobr T.V.
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Gomel
Justification. Orbital fractures are one of the most common injuries of the middle zone of the face, second only to damage to the bones of the nose in adults and the lower jaw in children. An increase in the frequency of facial skeletal injuries, the complexity of diagnosis, multidisciplinary interaction, ambiguity and the lack of uniform algorithms for the treatment and rehabilitation of such patients increase interest in studying the topic of orbital fractures, require improved approaches in diagnosis and treatment.
Objective: Demonstration of a clinical case of conservative management of an inferomedial orbital fracture.
Methods. While getting off the bus, the patient tripped and hit the left side of her face on the curb. She sought medical help. A diagnosis was made: Inferomedial orbital fracture, surgical treatment was proposed. The patient refused surgery. Conservative treatment was carried out.
Results. After 3 months from the moment of diagnosis, almost complete restoration of functions and absence of aesthetic deformation was achieved. Conclusions. The optimal treatment plan is often variable and depends on the clinical situation, extent of injury, and patient comfort level.
Keywords: orbital fractures; inferomedial fracture; conservative treatment; clinical case.
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