DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_3_171


Shevchenko Yu.L.1, Deev R.V.2, Matveev S.A.1, Dzhalaev F.Sh.1

1 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow

2 A.P. Avtsyn Research Institute of Human Morphology of B.V. Petrovskiy National Research Centre of Surgery, Moscow


А brief biography of Academician Donat Semenovich Sarkisov and his contribution to the development of medical and biological sciences is presented.

Keywords: Sarkisov Donat Semenovich, academician, morphology, pathology.


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16. Sarkisov DS. Victory Day (on the 55th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War). M.: Azbuka, 2002. 33 P. (In Russ.)

For citation

Shevchenko Yu.L., Deev R.V., Matveev S.A., Dzhalaev F.Sh. Academician Donat Semenovich Sarkisov – an outstanding pathologist (on the 100th anniversary of his birth). Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(3):171-174. (In Russ.)