Eliseev I.G.1, Lischuk A.N.1, Havandeev M.L.1, Muzichin A.L.3, Komendantova Yu.V.4, Gitelzon E.A.2, Faibushevich A.G.2
1 The National Medical Research Center of High Medical Technologies – the Central Military Clinical Hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky, Krasnogorsk
2 RUDN University, Moscow
3 RKB named after M.I. Kalinin, Donetsk
4 Russian State Social University, Moscow
The paper highlights the evolution of mitral valve prosthetics, from the first developments to modern innovative technologies. The history of development of prosthetic methods both in Russia and in the world, their effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the latest developments in the practice and technology of mitral valve prosthesis are considered. The article also provides an overview of the results of clinical trials conducted using different types of prostheses and their impact on survival and quality of life of patients. The problems faced by physicians and researchers in this field are analyzed, and the prospects for the development of mitral valve prosthetics are discussed.
Keywords: cardiology, surgical techniques, mitral valve, prosthesis, bioprostheses.
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