DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_3_91


Tankaeva H.S.1, Pohabov D.S.2, Abdulaev I.A.1, Khavaeva M.G.1, Alibatyrova R.G.1, Kuracheva M.M.1, Zhiburt E.B.2

1 Republican blood transfusion station, Makhachkala

2 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


Background: on August 14, 2023, as a result of an explosion at a service station in the Kumtorkalinsky district of the Republic of Dagestan, 119 people were injured, 35 of them died, including 3 children.

Purpose: to assesse the transfusion of blood components to the victims, the adequacy of the stocks and actions of the blood service, as well as donor practices before and after the disaster.

Methods: we studied the work of the blood service and transfusion care in medical organizations of the Republic of Dagestan after an explosion at a service station in the Kumtorkala region.

Results: 74 patients were hospitalized, there were no deaths. Blood components were received by 14 (17.7%) patients. The ratio of transfused units of erythrocytes and plasma was 0.37 or 1:2.7. On the first day, 56.3% of erythrocyte units and 65.1% of plasma units were transfused. On average, 1 recipient received 1.1 units of erythrocytes and 3.1 units of plasma. Similar indicators per 1 hospitalized patient were 0.2 and 0.5 doses, respectively. The transfusion therapy of the victims of the tragedy required the use of 2.6% of the stock of erythrocytes and 1.9% of the stock of plasma. During the working week, the number of donations at the Republican Blood Transfusion Station (RSPK) increased by 128%, and at the Kuraev Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital – by 73%.

Conclusion: the work of the RSPK and the blood services of the hospitals of the Republic of Dagestan made it possible to provide adequate transfusion assistance to the victims of the explosion.

Keywords: blood transfusion, donation, donor, blood, catastrophe, explosion, victims.


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For citation

Tankaeva H.S., Pohabov D.S., Abdulaev I.A., Khavaeva M.G., Alibatyrova R.G., Kuracheva M.M., Zhiburt E.B. Blood transfusion to the wounded during the explosion in the Republic of Dagestan. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(3):91-94. (In Russ.)