DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_3_84


Surov D.A., Sizonenko N.A., Dymnikov D.A., Tsurupa P.S., Levchenko Ya.I., Voronina L.A., Shostka K.G.

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Saint Petersburg


Justification. Surgical infection is an urgent medical problem, as up to 40% of patients in surgical hospitals are hospitalized for purulent-septic complications of various diseases. At the end of the 20th century, low-temperature argon plasma or low-temperature plasma became widely used in medicine.

The purpose of this publication is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of using the PlazmoRan plasma arc installation (manufactured by PlazmoProm (Russia)) in the complex treatment of chronic infected wounds, including postoperative wounds.

Methods. A study was presented in which 41 patients were included. The main group consisted of 20 patients in whom, in addition to complex therapy, therapy using the PlazmoRan installation was applied. The control group included 21 patients who received standard treatment. The clinical criteria for assessing the condition of patients were an assessment based on the comorbidity index and the severity of surgical complications. The criteria for evaluating the wound process were cytological examination of wound exudate, bacteriological examination, and visual assessment of the timing of the appearance of granulation tissue in the wound. The dynamics of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome was assessed according to clinical blood analysis, biochemical blood analysis (C-reactive protein), thermometry monitoring, respiratory rate and heart rate.

Results. The use of the plasma arc PlazmoRan installation in the complex treatment of infected wounds helps to reduce the duration of the wound process, the early onset of the regeneration phase, reduces the manifestations of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which in this study made it possible to shorten the treatment time of patients.

Conclusion. The use of low–temperature plasma is a safe, painless, easy-to-use and well-tolerated method in the complex treatment of infected wounds, which does not interfere with early activation. It helps to quickly clean wounds, heal them, and reduce the severity of local and general symptoms of the infectious process.

Keywords: plasma arc installation PlazmoRan, surgical infection, treatment of purulent necrotic wounds, cold plasma.


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For citation

Surov D.A., Sizonenko N.A., Dymnikov D.A., Tsurupa P.S., Levchenko Ya.I., Voronina L.A., Shostka K.G. The use of low-temperature argon plasma for the treatment of purulent wounds. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(3):84-90. (In Russ.)