DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_2_174


Melnichenko V.Ya., Shorohov N.S., Sarzhevskij V.O., Fedorenko D.A.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


This review article provides information about the life path, discoveries and influence on the world medicine of the famous Russian researcher and physician Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Maximow. The article is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the great scientist.

Keywords: A.A. Maximov, unitarian theory of hematopoiesis, stem cell.


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For citation

Melnichenko V.Ya., Shorohov N.S., Sarzhevskij V.O., Fedorenko D.A. Stammzelle, the unitary theory of hematopoiesis and the scientific legacy of professor Alexander Alexandrovich Maximow — 150th anniversary. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(2):174-178. (In Russ.)