DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_2_168


Anankin A.A.1, Kinzyagulov B.R.1, Ratush S.V.1, Kondratiev I.A.1, Semenov A.H.1, Gavrilchenko V.S.1, Ivanova A.O.1, Chernyshev R.S.1, Dzhojua A.V.1

1 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow

2 Hospital «Bavaria reha», Moscow


Mine blast injuries of the upper limb are difficult to classify, which makes every reconstructive surgery after such injuries unpredictable. A clinical observation of a 24-year-old patient who was wounded in the left forearm by a shell fragment is presented. After a complete diagnosis, surgical intervention was performed in the volume — transposition of m. brachioradialis to the common extensors of the fingers, tendon plasty of the radial extensors of the hand. Neurolysis of the median nerve. Due to the lack of standard algorithms for the treatment of such injuries, even careful preoperative planning cannot guarantee a favorable outcome. We are deeply convinced that such reconstructive interventions need a multidisciplinary strategy, and also need high technological support of the operation theater.

Keywords: сase report, tendon transfer, blast injury.


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For citation

Anankin A.A., Kinzyagulov B.R., Ratush S.V., Kondratiev I.A., Semenov A.H., Gavrilchenko V.S., Ivanova A.O., Chernyshev R.S., Dzhojua A.V. Multidisciplinary strategy for the treatment of mine blast injury of the forearm. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(2):168-170. (In Russ.)