DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_2_148


Petrov K.Yu., Zamskij K.S., Gajdukov A.V., Pecherskaya M.S., Kranin D.L., Zaslavskaya M.A., Golovushkina G.V.

Main military clinical hospital named after N.N.Burdenko, Moscow


There is an increase in the number of victims with damage of the main arteries due to the escalation of armed conflicts.

The frequency of vascular injuries varies from 2–3% in peacetime and increases in war up to 6–17%.

The outcome of all cases of vascular injuries in 48.9% to 68.7% is the formation of traumatic arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) and false aneurysms.

This article describes clinical cases of successful treatment of traumatic (gunshot) arteriovenous fistulas of the extremities using endovascular technologies and hybrid techniques.

Keywords: AVF, traumatic AVF, vascular injury, false aneurysm, hybrid surgery, endovascular surgery.


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For citation

Petrov K.Yu., Zamskij K.S., Gajdukov A.V., Pecherskaya M.S., Kranin D.L., Zaslavskaya M.A., Golovushkina G.V. Application of endovascular and hybrid techniques of surgical treatment of traumatic gunshot arteriovenous fistulas of the extremities. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(2):148-153. (In Russ.)