DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2024_19_2_108


Maytesyan D.A.1, 2, Khazamov Sh.A.1, Papoyan S.A.2, 3, 4, Shchegolev A.A.2, 3, Mzokov H.T.1

1 Municipal Сlinical Hospital №15 named O.M. Filatov, Moscow

2 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

3 Municipal Сlinical Hospital named F.I. Inozemtsev, Moscow

4 Research Institute of Health Care Organization and Medical Management, Moscow


Treatment of patients with atherosclerosis of the lower limbs with an outcome in critical ischemia despite the achievements of modern medicine is a complex process. Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is often accompanied by multi-level artery lesions, which necessitates complex multi-storey arterial reconstructions to rescue limbs. The results of open and endovascular operations are not always optimal. Hybrid Interventions allow you to instantly restore blood flow in several segments, increasing the chances of limb recovery and reducing surgical risks in somatic heavy patients. This overview article presents a comparative analysis of hybrid interventions in patients with critical lower limb ischemia with an emphasis on multi-level artery lesions.

Keywords: hybrid interventions, critical limb ischemia, multi-level artery lesions, obliterating atherosclerosis.


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For citation

Maytesyan D.A., Khazamov Sh.A., Papoyan S.A., Shchegolev A.A., Mzokov H.T. Hybrid approach of revascularisation for chronic critical limb ischemia. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(2):108-114. (In Russ.)