Shevchenko Yu.L.1, Stoiko Yu.M.1, Matveev S.A.1, Zubarev P.N.2, Kotiv B.N.2, Soloviev I.A.2
1 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
2 Military medical Academy. S.M. Kirov, Saint Petersburg
The biography of Professor M. I. Lytkin, his contribution to the development of domestic and world surgery and medicine are presented.
Keywords: Lytkin, Professor, surgery, awards.
1. Matveev SA, Solov’ev IA. Pochetnyi doktor Voenno-meditsinskoi akademii Mikhail Ivanovich Lytkin. St. Petersburg: VMedA; 2004. 72 p. (In Russ).
2. Professora Voenno-meditsinskoi (Mediko-khirurgicheskoi) akademii. Ed by Belevitin AB. 2nd ed., revised and updated. St. Petersburg: VMedA; 2008. 616 p. (In Russ).
3. Rossiiskaya Voenno-meditsisnkaya akademiya (1798–1998). Ed by Shevchenko Yu.L. St. Petersburg: VMedA; 1998. 728 p. (In Russ).
4. Shevchenko YuL, Matveev SA. «Ya predstavitel’ vymirayushchego pokoleniya khirurgov-entsiklopedistov», k 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Mikhaila Ivanovicha Lytkina. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2009;4(2):134–135. (In Russ).