DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_3_159


Semionkin E.I.1, Kulikov E.P.1, Mercalov A.S.1, Kopeikin A.A.1, Lukanin R.V.2, Rahmaev T.S.2, Bragina I.Yu.2, Kulikova Yu.E.3

1 Ryazan state medical university, Ryazan

2 Ryazan state clinical hospital, Ryazan

3 Ryazan stateclinical oncological dispansery, Ryazan


Aim. The main aim in our study is: to show on clinical examples the possibility of transabdominal ultrasonography with a modern echo scanner and a qualified specialist of ultrasonography and their ability to diagnose tumors of the small intenstine.

Patient and methods. There are 4 clinical cases of diagnosis of tumors of the small intenstine: the first patient is 71 years old, the second patient is 68 years old, the third patient is 61 years old, and the fourth patient is 81 years old. Was used only transabdominal ultrasonography in all cases. At the first and fourth cases it was surgery operation with urgent indications, because there was bleeding. And it was histological examination of the removed tumor of small intenstine. At the second case it was computed tomography of the abdominal cavity, surgery operation with delayed indications, because there was bleeding. And it was histological examination of the removed tumor of small intenstine. At the third case was used x-ray computed tomography of the abdominal cavity, capsule videoenteroscopy, surgery operation, histological examination of the removed tumor of the small intenstine, to confirm the diagnosis. At the first case there is epithelioid spindle cell variant of the HISO g3. At the second case there is epithelioid spindle cell variant of the HISO g2. At the third case there is indolent B-cell non- Hodgskin’s lymphoma. At the fourth - spindle cell variant of the HISO.

Results. Transabdominal ultrasonography is informative for the diagnosis of tumors of the small intestine.

Conclusion. Transabdominal ultrasonography is a minimally invasive diagnostic method of diagnosis of small intenstine’s tumors. When we use only modern equipment and qualified specialists.

Keywords: tumors of small intenstine, ultrasonography.


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For citation

Semionkin E.I., Kulikov E.P., Mercalov A.S., Kopeikin A.A., Lukanin R.V., Rahmaev T.S., Bragina I.Yu., Kulikova Yu.E. Transabdominal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of tumors of the small intestine. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(3):159-163. (In Russ.)