DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_3_86


Mrykhin G.A.2, Groshilin V.S.2, Zhernosenco A.O.1, Kuznecov V.D.2, Vardanyan E.V.2

1 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow

2 Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don


Backgraund: Fistulas in anorectal region are an actual problem of modern coloproctology. High recurrence rate of fistulas in ano reach 25–30 percent. So problem of treatment fistulas in ano is very acute.

Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the original minimally invasive method of treatment of rectal fistulas.

Materials and methods. A prospective cohort study of the treatment of patients of three groups of patients was conducted. The first group is an original technique based on the use of video–assisted treatment of the fistula according to the original technique in combination with the placement of a plug-siton (patent Russian Federation №2795536) — (n = 27), group II — ligation of the fistula in the intersphincter space (LIFT) — (n = 32), group III — laser coagulation of the fistula according to the method FILAC — (n = 28).

Results. During the treatment in all three groups of patients, satisfactory results were obtained in 93.1%. Relapse of the disease occurred in 2 patients of group I (7.40%), in 1 patient of group II (3.15%), in 3 patients of group III (10.70%) at p = 0,001. Fecal incontinence and gas were not detected in patients of all study groups.

Conclusion. We consider the main advantage of minimally invasive methods to be their safety regarding the development of anal incontinence. The original method of fistula treatment developed by us is comparable in its effectiveness with other minimally invasive techniques, however, it has an advantage due to the effective obturation of the fistula course and the creation of a biological matrix for the regeneration of anal sphincters.

Keywords: fistula-in-ano, video-assisted treatment of fistulas, sphincter-sparing minimally invasive technologies.


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For citation

Mrykhin G.A., Groshilin V.S., Zhernosenco A.O., Kuznecov V.D., Vardanyan E.V. Experience in the use of video-assisted installation of plug-sitons in the treatment of fistula in ano. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(3):86-90. (In Russ.)