DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_3_41


Solod E.I. 1,2, Kuksa D.N.1, Abdulkhabirov M.A. 1, Zagorodny N.V., Jojua A.V.3, Karpovich N.I.1

1 RUDN University, Moscow

2 Scientific and Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorova, Moscow

3 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


The article studies the issues of treatment features in patients with a dominant thoracoabdominal injury in polytrauma.

Aim study – improving the results of treatment of patients with polytrauma with a dominant thoracoabdominal injury by analyzing the causes of lethal cases in this category of patients

Discussion and results. The analysis of lethal outcomes in patients with a dominant thoracoabdominal injury in polytrauma in a multidisciplinary city clinical hospital, which is a trauma center of the first level, was carried out. The features of the treatment of this category of victims were studied.

Conclusion. Based on the analysis, the main causes of deaths in the provision of medical care in patients with thoracoabdominal injuries were identified. The presented results are accepted for optimization of medical work in patients with polytrauma.

Keywords: polytrauma, thoracoabdominal injuries, mortality, lethality, emergency medical care, surgery.


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For citation

Solod E.I., Kuksa D.N., Abdulkhabirov M.A., Zagorodny N.V., Jojua A.V., Karpovich N.I. Features of treatment in patients with dominant thoracoabdominal trauma in polytrauma. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(3):41-50. (In Russ.)