Barsukov A.V.1, Gulyaev A.V1., Mitrofanova L.B2., Shishkevich A.N.1, Saifullin R.F.1, Iakovlev V.V.1, Iakovlev V.A.1
1. S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy.
2. National Almazov Medical Research Centre, St. Petersburg.
The intravenous inodilator Levosimendan was originally developed for intensive therapy of acute decompensated heart failure. In recent years, there has been a definite scientific and clinical interest in its repeated or planned periodic use in patients with severe chronic heart failure (CHF). Data were obtained on the beneficial long-term effects of levosimendan with regular administration to hemodynamic parameters, neurohormonal markers, mediators of systemic inflammation and, most importantly, clinical outcomes in patients with contractile myocardial dysfunction of different genesis. This paper presents a clinical case of levosimendan use in the complex treatment of a 50-year-old patient with decompensated CHF caused by dilated post-inflammatory cardiomyopathy.
Keywords: chronic heart failure, levosimendan, dilated post-inflammatory cardiomyopathy.
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