DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_1_153


Zabaznov K.G., Kovaleva N.S.

Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-don


This article considers a patient with a rare combined lesion of the brachiocephalic arteries: occlusion of one internal carotid artery with critical stenosis of the contralateral internal carotid artery and occlusion of the vertebral artery on the one hand and critical stenosis on the other. The significance lies in the debut from the syndrome of moderate cognitive disorders and a stroke-free course. During the work with the patient, a thorough analysis of complaints, anamnesis of the disease, clinical and neuropsychological examination was carried out, an expanded scope of studies was performed: general clinical, biochemical, ultrasound, magnetic resonance, angiographic. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis was made and surgical treatment was performed. The analysis of the above clinical observation made it possible to develop recommendations for the curation of patients with similar symptoms. The most detailed and thorough collection of anamnesis, the performance of routine screening neuropsychological examination, the manifestation of alertness regarding cognitive decline in comorbid patients, will allow to substantiate the correct diagnosis and develop adequate therapeutic tactics.

Keywords: brachiocephalic artery stenting, internal carotid artery occlusion, internal carotid artery stenosis, vertebral artery occlusion, vertebral artery stenosis, mild cognitive impairment syndrome, cognitive impairment, cardiovascular risk factors.


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For citation

Zabaznov K.G., Kovaleva N.S. Atherosclerotic oclusion-stenotic lesion of brachiocephalic arteries in a patient with moderate cognitive disorder syndrome. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(1):153-155. (In Russ.)