DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2022_17_3_152


Loginov A.F., Shalygin L.D., Matveev S.A.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


The main directions of official, professional, educational, clinical, research and teaching activities of the chief therapist of the Pirogov Center, Professor V.P. Tyurin, are outlined. His contribution to the development of cardiology, training of medical, therapeutic and scientific personnel in the Armed Forces and civil health care is noted.

Keywords: Tyurin Vladimir Petrovich, internal medicine, cardiology, rheumatology, military medicine, Pirogov Center, teacher, scientist.


1. Tyurin VP. Antibakterialnaya terapiya infekcionnogo endokardita: uchebnoe posobie / NP Potehin, LV Popov. M.: RAEN, 2008. 38 р. (In Russ).

2. Tyurin VP, Sidorenko LS, Ryabov AL, et al. Abscessi selezenki pri infekcionnom endokardite. Vestnik NMHC im. N.I. Pirogova. 2011; 2: 33-36. (In Russ).

3. Tyurin VP, Mezenova TV, Davidyan SYu, Elonakov AV. Effektivnost, bezopasnost i perenosimost gennoinjenernogo biologicheskogo preparata infliksimaba u bolnih ankiloziruyuschim spondilitom. Vestnik NMHC im. N.I. Pirogova. 2012; 2: 92-96. (In Russ).

4. Tyurin V.P. Mejdunarodnie rekomendacii po antibakterialnoi terapii infekcionnogo endokardita. Vestnik NMHC im. N.I. Pirogova. 2014; 4: 63-66. (In Russ).

5. Tyurin VP, Gvozdkov AL, Malikova TYu. Allergicheskie reakcii na veschestva, videlyaemie stentami. Vestnik NMHC im. N.I. Pirogova. 2015; 4: 138-140. (In Russ).

6. Tyurin VP, Sergovencev AA, Aksenfeld DI. Provedenie neinvazivnoi ventilyacii legkih pacientu s dvuhstoronnei pnevmoniei tyajelogo techeniya. Vestnik NMHC im. N.I. Pirogova. 2016; 1: 139-141. (In Russ).

For citation

Loginov A.F., Shalygin L.D., Matveev S.A. Professor Tyurin Vladimir Petrovich (on the 75th anniversary). Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2022;17(3):152-153. (In Russ.)