DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2022_17_2_146


Strakhov M.A.

Tver State Medical University, Tver


The article contains a biographical description and analysis of the scientific activity of Professor Yu.L. Zolotko — an outstanding anatomist, the author of the first in the USSR “Atlas of Topographic Human Anatomy”, which is still considered a textbook in Russian nativ medical literature. The uniqueness of this three-volume publication lies in the fact that all the work on the atlas was carried out by one person — its author, who simultaneously acts as the author and editor of the text, preparator, illustrator, photographer. There have been no similar examples in the history of medicine yet. The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Yuri Leonidovich Zolotko, which will be in 2023.

Keywords: Yuri Zolotko, atlas, topographic anatomy, artist.


1. Lichnoe delo Zolotko Yuriya Leonidovicha № 3169/78 (18.08.1951 — 30.12.1973). Avtobiografiya (rukopisny`j tekst). 4.09.1951 Kalininskij gosudarstvenny`j medicinskij institut, otdel kadrov. S. 5. (In Russ).

2. Lichnoe delo Zolotko Yuriya Leonidovicha № 3169/78 (18.08.1951 — 30.12.1973). Lichny`j listok po uchyotu kadrov (rukopisny`j tekst). 14.03.1953. Kalininskij gosudarstvenny`j medicinskij institut, otdel kadrov. S.3-4. (In Russ).

3. Volkov SI. Ocharovy`vayushhie pejzazhi Yuriya Zolotko: k 95-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya tverskogo uchyonogo. Verxnevolzhskij medicinskij zhurnal. 2018; 17(2): 49-53. (In Russ).

4. Lichnoe delo Zolotko Yuriya Leonidovicha № 3169/78 (18.08.1951 — 30.12.1973). Zayavlenie o perevode v g. Kalinin (rukopisny`j tekst). 21.07.1954. Kalininskij gosudarstvenny`j medicinskij institut, otdel kadrov. S. 15. (In Russ).

5. Gradova V, Petuxov M. Atlas professora Zolotko. Kalininskaya pravda. 16.05.1971. S.3. (In Russ).

6. Zolotko YuL. Atlas topograficheskoj anatomii cheloveka. Chast` I. Golova i sheya. M.: Medicina, 1964. S.215. (In Russ).

7. Lichnoe delo Zolotko Yuriya Leonidovicha № 3169/78 (18.08.1951 — 30.12.1973). Diplom doktora nauk (MDT № 000391), zaverenny`j notariusom Pervoj Kalininskoj gosudarstvennoj notarial`noj kontory` ot 31.05.1967 (mashinopisny`j tekst). 31.05.1967. Kalininskij gosudarstvenny`j medicinskij institut, otdel kadrov. S.43. (In Russ).

8. Zolotko YuL. Atlas topograficheskoj anatomii cheloveka. Chast` II. Grud`, zhivot, taz. M.: Medicina, 1967. S.275 (In Russ).

9. Lichnoe delo Zolotko Yuriya Leonidovicha № 3169/78 (18.08.1951 — 30.12.1973). Zaklyuchenie komissii po zameshheniyu dolzhnostej professorsko-prepodavatel`skogo sostava Kalininskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo instituta (mashinopisny`j tekst). Protokol № 14. ot 05.09.1972. Kalininskij gosudarstvenny`j medicinskij institut, otdel kadrov. — S.75-82. (In Russ).

10. Lichnoe delo Zolotko Yuriya Leonidovicha № 3169/78 (18.08.1951 — 30.12.1973). Spisok nauchny`x rabot Zolotko Yuriya Leonidovicha, zaverenny`j uchyony`m sekretarem Kalininskogo medicinskogo instituta D.I. Bel`chenko (mashinopisny`j tekst). Kalininskij gosudarstvenny`j medicinskij institut, otdel kadrov. S.70-72. (In Russ).

11. Zolotko YuL. Izgotovlenie korrozionny`x preparatov iz veshhestv akrilovogo ryada, laka, polivinilxloridnoj, polie`firny`x i e`poksidny`x smol. Arxiv anatomii, gistologii i e`mbriologii. T LXIII №9. S.91-98. (In Russ).

12. Zolotko YuL. Atlas topograficheskoj anatomii cheloveka. Chast` III. Verxnyaya i nizhnyaya konechnosti. M.: Medicina, 1976. S.296. (In Russ).

For citation

Strakhov M.A. To the 100th anniversary of Professor Yu.L. Zolotko — the author of the first in the USSR «Atlas of Topographic Human Anatomy». Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2022;17(2):146-150. (In Russ.)