DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2022_17_1_73


Khamitov R.G.1, Ayupova R.F.1, Zhiburt E.B.2

1 Republican blood transfusion station, Ufa

2 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


Donations and transfusions of anticonvid plasma were studied in the Republic of Bashkortostan. From covalescent donors 81 plasmapheresis was performed from the products of which 240 therapeutic units of anticovid plasma were prepared. It has been established that the recruitment of donors who have undergone COVID-19 infection at the Bashkortostan RSPK allows us to satisfy the need of the region’s medical organizations for anticovid pathogen-reduced plasma. Among the issued plasma, the prevalence of the phenotype of the ABO blood group system:

– O — 17.6% less than healthy donors (p<0.001),

– A — 14.9% more than healthy donors (p<0.001).

No adverse reactions were recorded both with plasmapheresis in convalescent donors and transfusion reactions with transfusion of 94 units of anticonvid pathogen-reduced plasma.The accumulated data do not allow us to draw conclusions about the therapeutic effectiveness of anticovid plasma. Limitations of this study:

– 76% of transfusions were performed later than the 6th day from the onset of the disease,

– reporting clinical transfusionists have limited access to medical records located in the red zone.

It is necessary to continue to accumulate and study the experience of anticovid plasma collection and transfusion.

Keywords: donor, blood, donation, blood component, plasma, anticovid, apheresis, COVID-19.


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For citation

Khamitov R.G., Ayupova R.F., Zhiburt E.B. Implementation of anticovid plasma collection and transfusion. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2022;17(1):73-75. (In Russ.)