DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2021_16_4_65


Maslyakov V.V.1, Urjadov S.E.2, Voronov V.V.2, Aristova I.S.2, Akmalov N.A.1

1 Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola

2 Medical University «Reaviz», Saratov


The purpose of the study. Study the prognostic significance of some proinflammatory cytokines and adhesive endothelial molecules in serum in stab-cut neck wounds in the immediate postoperative period.

Materials and methods. The work is based on an analysis of the course of the postoperative period of 112 patients with stab wounds to the neck.

Results. Based on the study, it can be concluded that in the nearest postoperative period with stab-cut neck wounds there is a sharp increase in the number of provocative cytokines on the third day, that is, we can talk about the development of a cytokine storm. When comparing laboratory and clinical data, it was found that in the first postoperative day a minimum number of complications was detected — 2%, while all of them were associated with incomplete haemostasis, which was manifested by continued bleeding from a postoperative wound. Lethality on the first postoperative day was also at a minimum level of 3%, the cause of death was various shock. On the third postoperative day, the largest number of complications was recorded — 27%, while they were purulent-septic in nature. However, lethality on these postoperative days was not high and amounted to 4%. By the fifth postoperative day, there was a significant increase in fatal cases to 23%, while the number of detected complications decreased significantly and amounted to 12%. In the future, the number of complications did not exceed 0,1% and no fatal cases were recorded. Analysis of the concentrations of soluble forms of serum endothelial adhesive molecules and proinflammatory cytokines had an effect on complications and lethal outcome. Complications developed in those observations when an increase in these indicators occurred 1,5 times from normal indicators, and lethality more than 2,5 times.

Keywords: stab-cut neck wounds, nearest postoperative period, pro-inflammatory cytokines, soluble forms of adhesive endothelial molecules, prognosis.


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For citation

Maslyakov V.V., Urjadov S.E., Voronov V.V., Aristova I.S., Akmalov N.A. Alterations of certain proactivating cytokines and soluble forms of adhesive endothelial molecules in blood serum in stab-cut neck wounds and prognostic value thereof. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2021;16(4):65-73. (In Russ.)