Kranin D.L., Zhuravlev A.G., Svergunenko S.S., Zamskiy K.S., Petrov K.Yu.
Chief military clinical hospital named after academic N.N. Burdenko, Moscow
Infectious complications after EVAR (endovascular aortic repair) develop in 1% of the total cases of device implantations for atherosclerotic aneurysm of the abdominal aorta.
Aortoenteric fistula is a rare and extremely dangerous complication of abdominal aortic reconstructive surgery, associated with high mortality if untreated.
This article describes a clinical case of infection after EVAR with formed aorto-duodenal fistula in a comorbid patient, an algorithm for choosing a technique and the process of surgical treatment.
In clinical case describedes possible options for surgical treatment and management tactics for patients with infection after EVAR, considered modern literary sources.
Keywords: EVAR, endoprosthesis infection, aorto-intestinal fistula, EVAR infection.
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