SHalygin L.D., CHernyago T.YU.
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
Biography of Professor Vetshev Petr Sergeevich, noted his contribution to the development of domestic medicine and health care.
Keywords: Vetshev Petr Sergeevich, surgery, health care, education.
1. Vetshev PS. Puti uluchsheniya rezul'tatov hirurgicheskogo lecheniya bol'nyh s mekhanicheskoj zheltuhoj. [dissertation] Moscow; 1982. (In Russ).
2. Vetshev PS. Diagnostika, hirurgicheskoe lechenie i prognozirovanie ego rezul'tatov u bol'nyh generalizovannoj miasteniej. [dissertation] Moscow; 1991. (In Russ).
3. SHevchenko YUL, editor. Chastnaya hirurgiya. V.1. Uchebnik dlya medicinskih vuzov. Moscow: RAEN; 2017. (In Russ).
4. SHevchenko YU.L. editor. CHastnaya hirurgiya. V.2. Uchebnik dlya medicinskih vuzov. Moscow: RAEN; 2017. (In Russ).
5. Vetshev PS, Kasyan VN, Kuzin MI, editors. Hirurgicheskie bolezni. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media; 2018. (In Russ).
6. Gal'perin EI, Vetshev PS. Rukovodstvo po hirurgii zhelchnyh putej. Moscow: Vidar-M; 2009. (In Russ).