DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2018.78.94.028


Solodkiy V.A., Sherstneva T.V., Meskih E.V., Izmailov T.R.

Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenoradiology (RSCRR) of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


Aim of the study was to present rates of breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Just as there have been improvements in the early detection and treatment of breast cancer, there have also been improvements in the techniques used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Current breast reconstruction techniques are diverse and may involve the use of an autologous tissue flap (latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps are the most commonly used), a tissue expanders and prosthesis. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy is oncologically safe and is associated with high satisfaction and improved psychosocial outcomes. Since in most developed countries of the world breast cancer came first in the overall structure of cancer in women, there is a significant increase in the rate of use of breast reconstruction. The article presents the data of the leading Russian oncological institutions, which also testify to the growth of the number of breast reconstruction in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: breast cancer, breast reconstruction, autologous tissue flap, tissue expander, prostheses.


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For citation

Solodkiy V.A., Sherstneva T.V., Meskih E.V., Izmailov T.R. The state of the issue of reconstructive plastic surgery for breast cancer in the Russian Federation and in the world. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2018;13(3):132-137. (In Russ.)